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The logo of Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired
The logo of Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired

Welcome to Finnish Fed­er­a­tion of the Visually Impaired!

We are the umbrella organisation for Finnish associations of the visually impaired. We are experts in visual impairments and sight and advocates for the blind and the visually impaired people.
A smiling man with a white cane and a black guide dog and a smiling woman with black glasses.

Our services

Piirroskuva ihmishahmoista, yhdellä valkoinen keppi.
For the visually impaired and near ones

Get to know our services and the support you're entitled to.

Piirroskuva avoimesta ovesta.
Open for all

Book accommodation or meeting room, visit our museum or enjoy coffee in a dark room.

Piirroskuva henkilökortista.
For the members

Become a member and join our activities!